ISSUE #40.
Today & yesterday
& tomorrow & the day
Music for kneeding dough, salting brine ↴
The French organisation SOS Violence Conjugale seeks to improve the safety of victims of domestic violence, and reduce the prevalence. They've created a free, five-part interactive "texversations" called It's not violent that walks you through the often overlooked/subtle forms of violence and control.

"I had been thinking for a long time that we need more spaces, or containers, to explore the affective side of difficult climate research. And that's what this class was designed to be. One of those spaces."
– Naomi Klein
Join writer Naomi Klein on Future Ecologies (what a combo!), in this little two-part series called 'The Right To Feel'. It's centred around young fiction writers that take a class with Naomi and are encouraged to feel deeply into the affects of climate change.
Listen: Future Ecologies Presents 'The Right To Feel' ↴
The conversations around regenerative agriculture are almost never about small-scale farming, like market gardening. So, how does regenerative agriculture scale-down? The crew from No-Till Growers use their farm to answer that question ↴
___The end.